Page 10 - Seers and Sages of India
P. 10
Prominent Rishikas of Ancient India
Rishika Gargi
One of the significant female philosophers of the Vedic
period, Gargi was known as a Brahmavadini (a person
having knowledge of Brahman). She was one of the nine
Navaratnas in the court of King Janaka of Mithila. She
chose to remain celibate all her life.
Gargi is mentioned in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
which tells us of the incident at a particular philosophical
congress organized by King Janaka where she challenged
Yājñavalkya to answer her questions to prove his highest
scholarship and knowledge of Brahman. The
Yogayājñavalkya Samhita, a text on Yoga expounds the
dialogue between Gargi and Yājñavalkya at this
congress.Gargi has contributed some hymns in the Rig
Veda. Many of her hymns deal with questions related to the
origin of all existence.