Page 4 - Seers and Sages of India
P. 4

Rishis of India

            The           founders                 of        Indian            The Rishi is the natural

            culture were not ordinary                                          director of society; all the

            men           or       mere            intellectual                ideals and guiding intuitions

            thinkers but spiritual seers,                                      of        Indian            civilisation               are

            Rishis, who lived in constant                                      attributed to the Rishis. Even

            communion with a universal                                         today the Indian mind is very

            and eternal consciousness                                          ready to give the title of Rishi

            beyond Mind and saw and                                            to “anyone who can give a

            knew from it the deepest                                           spiritual truth which helps his

            truth          of       Man,             Life         and          life or a formative idea and

            Nature.                                                            inspiration which influences

                                                                               religion, ethics, society, even


                                                                                                                     Sri Aurobindo

                                                                                                                   CWSA, 20:113

         Our ancestors attempted to build human society on the

         foundations of some universal spiritual and psychological

         principles which govern human life. The values and ideals of

         Indian culture are based on and evolved from these deeper

         spiritual discoveries of our Rishis.
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