Page 22 - Sri Aurobindo And The Mother on Courage
P. 22
When the physical disorder comes, one must not be
When the physical disorder comes, one must not be
afraid; one must not run away from it, must face it
afraid; one must not run away from it, must face it
with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude
with courage, calmness, confidence, with the certitude
that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely,
that illness is a falsehood and that if one turns entirely,
in full confidence, with a complete quietude to the
in full confidence, with a complete quietude to the
divine Grace, It will settle in these cells as It is
divine Grace, It will settle in these cells as It is
established in the depths of the being, and the cells
established in the depths of the being, and the cells
themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight.
themselves will share in the eternal Truth and Delight.