Page 5 - Auro Model Prison Activities
P. 5

•  Shankar also said that it was the first time in 20 years that he had enjoyed himself so
                         much. He explained how prison is a place that sucks out the energy out of them

                         leaving the feeling sad and low all the time but he was immensely happy with how
                         the session had helped him vent out all the negative energy.

               Even though many inmates were completely involved and contributed to the session, few of

               them still stood hesitant and could not open themselves to the space wherein they ended up not
               engaging  much  during  the  session.  Therefore,  there  is  an  immense  need  to  conduct  such

               sessions frequently and make them feel comfortable specifically for the inmates who could not
               engage much. Many prisoners also expressed the desire to include under-trial inmates and other

               convicts  during  such  sessions.  They  also  requested  the  facilitators  to  call  all  inmates

               collectively for conducting such sessions.

               ➢  OUTCOME

                     Many inmates engaged themselves in the session by dancing, singing, and clapping. The
               level of participation and interaction gradually improved with each song. Some of the inmates

               gradually started contributing to the session in their own way. As the session proceeded further,
               one could also sense a shift in the inmate's energy and body language. Needless to say, they

               grew more comfortable and familiar with the entire concept towards the end of the session.

                     Everyone  presents  during  the  session  came  together  to  create  an  environment  of
               awareness, accomplishment, and a breakthrough. The session ended with a renewed belief not

               just in music as a means of healing but compassion and connection as the pillars of reformation
               and reintegration.

               Activities in the Central Prison, Kalapet                                                                                              5 │ Page
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