Page 17 - Auro Model Prison Activities
P. 17


                       •  Datchanamoorthy expressed an important gained skill of being able to reflect upon

                          themselves and their experiences and their potential for transformation. He said that
                          he  felt  like  he  gained  a  sense  of  accomplishment  and  had  improved  positive

                          relationships with prison staff.

                       •  Satish one of the inmates, shared how he felt a balance with his mind and body. He
                          said that yoga has become an important aspect of his life and one thing he looks

                          forward to everyday is his yoga practice early in the morning.

                       •  Venkatachalapathi  mentioned  that  he  felt  he  sense  of  connection  not  just  with
                          himself but with the others as well as with the divine. He feels that yoga has saved

                          them from the chaos in their life. He also expressed how it has significantly helped
                          with his anxiety.

               Activities in the Central Prison, Kalapet                                                                                              17 │ Page
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